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Heal Thy Self

“Heal thy self” means embracing empowered responsibility for your well-being by nurturing your body, mind, and spirit, paving the way to true wholistic health.
Lemon Ginger Blast
by Lou Corona
Lou’s Tip: Super Charge Your Lemon Ginger Blast by taking 3 PuraZyme capsules after every blast!
1 bunch Celery
3 inches Fresh Ginger
3 inches Fresh Turmeric (when available)
1 handful Fresh Mint
1 Peeled Lemon
1 bunch Parsley (regular or Italian)
1 bunch Cilantro
1 Cucumber (large)
2 Apples
1/2-1 Habanero or Jalapeño (full pepper for more advanced)
2 bunches Spinach
3 cups Water
Juice & Enjoy!
Drink one glass every morning
Final juiced amount should be cut with 1/3 water!
Recipe by Lou Corona
Recommended PuraDyme Products For This Recipe:
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