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Heal Thy Self

“Heal thy self” means embracing empowered responsibility for your well-being by nurturing your body, mind, and spirit, paving the way to true wholistic health.
Coconut Almond Yogurt
by Lou Corona
Try this amazing tasting, dairy free powerful living cultured yogurt with all of the essential nutrients pre-digested so it’s much easier to assimilate, metabolize and convert into energy, muscle, hair, skin and bones and keep the system running clean and efficient!
1 Cup Almonds (Soaked 24 hours)
1 1/2 Cups Fresh Coconut Meat (From Young Thai Coconut) with Water [if fresh meat isn't available, use frozen]
1/2 Tsp. LiyfBiotic
2 TBS. Liyf Essentials
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